- Syllabuses for Full-time Courses / Grantham College of Education.Hong Kong.Grantham College of Education. 香港教育学院团契.;香港教育学院
- Syllabuses for Full-time Courses / Grantham College of Education. Hong Kong. Grantham College of Education. 汇川:香港教育学院学生报.;香港教育学院
- BEd (Hons) (University of Liverpool), Advanced Course of Teacher Education - Physical Education (Grantham College of Education). 荣誉教育学士(利物浦大学),高级师资训练课程-体育科(葛量洪教育学院)。
- He obtained his Teacher's Certificate from the Grantham College of Education, Bachelor of Education and Master of Education from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. 张校长毕业于葛量洪教育学院,获颁教师证书;另于香港中文大学获颁教育学士及教育硕士。
- Grantham College of Education. 香港教育学院.
- 19??-19?? Syllabuses for Full-time Courses / Grantham College of Education.Hong Kong.Grantham College of Education. 19?? 本地史课程套 : 中一 / [柏立基教育学院].;香港
- 1988 Syllabuses for part-time courses, 1982-85 / Grantham College of Education. Hong Kong. Grantham College of Education. 1986三年制在职中学教师训练班学员手册/罗富国教育学院.;香港
- 1993 The full time courses : course evaluation 1993 / Grantham College of Education. Hong Kong. Grantham College of Education. 柏师通讯/[柏立基教育学院学生会编辑委员会].;香港
- 1996 Advanced Course of Teacher Education : syllabus for ... / [Grantham College of Education]. Hong Kong. Grantham College of Education. 1993学员手册:特殊教育教师训练班;1993-1994/柏立基教育学院.;香港
- 1993-1996 Advanced Course of Teacher Education : syllabus for ... / [Grantham College of Education]. Hong Kong. Grantham College of Education. 1993学员手册:校本辅导教学计划教师训练班/柏立基教育学院.;香港
- She was quite shocked when she went round a College of Education. 去年,她顺便参观一所教育学院,对那里的情况大吃一惊。
- 1993 Joint graduation ceremony : Grantham College of Education, Northcote College of Education, Sir Robert Black of Education, The Hong Kong Technical Teachers' College. Hong Kong. Education Dept. 1986在职中学教师训练班:学员手册/柏立基教育学院.;香港
- She is a member of the Royal College of Nursing. 她是皇家护士协会的会员。
- He was elected Minister of Education. 他被选为教育部长。
- She was awarded a place at the Royal College of Music. 她获得皇家音乐学院的学籍。
- Lack of education is an obstacle of success. 缺乏教育是成功的障碍。
- Bulletin / Northcote Training College.Hong Kong.Northcote Training College.;Hong Kong.Northcote College of Education. 罗师学生.;香港
- Hong Kong.Northcote College of Education.;Northcote College of Education Past Students' Association. Golden jubilee celebration dinner = 罗富国教育学院金禧聚餐 / [Northcote College of Education].
- He devoted himself to the nourishment of education. 他献身于发展教育事业。
- Yiping Wan, Dean &Professor of Bagwell College of Education, Kennesaw University. 附英文:万毅平,美国肯尼索州立大学教育学院院长 Dr.